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We offer a range of membership options to suit all golfers. See the members section for more information about our Seniors, Ladies, Juniors and Monkey Club Golf Society for what joining Brinkworth Golf Club offers.

Membership Includes

  • Personal Liability Insurance (this is an additional cost if you do not currently have your own)

  • Discounted prices on all alcoholic and non alcoholic drinks via a loyalty card

  • Unlimited use of the golf course and practice facilities

  • Participation in members only competitions

  • The ability to maintain a recognised handicap

  • Affiliation to the Wiltshire Golfing Union and membership of the English Golf Union including an electronic County Card which allows a discounted rate at participating Wiltshire and other golf clubs (this is an additional cost, which is required when joining and on renewal)

  • The flexibility to pay via 12 monthly instalments (must join for a minimum of 1 year). Note, a small administration fee is included in the monthly Direct Debit payment. Please ask for more details

  • Direct Debit Mandates are available from the Clubhouse or can be sent electronically.

Membership Options

Full 7 days


Per Year

Membership enables you to 28 day advance tee time bookings.


Payment by Direct Debit at £53 per month with a minimum initial sign up of 12 months.

Junior (under 18)


Per Year

Our membership offers great golfing facilities at exceptional value for money.

Membership enables you to 28 day advance tee time bookings.

2nd Club Membership


Per Year

Our membership offers great golfing facilities at exceptional value for money.

Membership enables you to 28 day advance tee time bookings.

Payment in full. Must hold your handicap and union at your home club. T&C's apply.



Per Year

Membership enables you to 28 day advance tee time bookings.


In full time education and on production of a valid Student

ID Card.

Payment by Direct Debit of £15.00 per month with an initial sign up of 12 months.

Joint (e.g. Couples)


Per Year

Membership enables you to 28 day advance tee time bookings.


Payment by Direct Debit at £95.00 per month with a minimum initial sign up of 12 months.

Full Colt (21-25 years) /

Junior Colt (18-20 years)

£350/ £180

Per Year

Our membership offers great golfing facilities at exceptional value for money.

Membership enables you to 28 day advance tee time bookings.

Payment by Direct Debit with a minimum initial sign up of 12 months.

Full Colt @ £30/Month

Junior Colt @ £17/Month

Membership Options

Corporate Memberships

We recognise there is demand for flexible membership of golf clubs by companies who have a keen interest in golf and wish to facilitate occasional golf for their employees or customers, whether for social or business reasons.


Our Corporate Package is flexible and not specific to any named member, but can be used by anyone authorised by the company/business to do so.


The package is offered as a four ball to be played once per day, weekday only with no joining fee

Corporate Membership


Brinkworth Golf Club Seniors Section has been established for nearly 20 years and is an integral part of Brinkworth Golf Club, contributing to the success of the club and its aim to be the friendliest in Wiltshire.


With upwards of 80 members (both male and female) we meet for 9-hole roll-up competitions on Tuesday (individual format) and Thursday (team games) mornings. We regularly have about 40 members playing, particularly in the summer months.


In addition, we have a full programme of other events including Seniors trophy competitions, annual singles and pairs competitions, monthly 18-hole stableford or medal competitions and friendly matches against local clubs (home and away). The programme of Main Events for 2024/25 is listed elsewhere on the web site under Club Competitions and Fixtures.


In addition, very successful monthly away days to other local courses are arranged as well as an annual 3-day “away tour” for those who wish to participate.


Our aim is to provide an enjoyable, friendly, stimulating yet competitive environment to enable all members to get the best out of their golfing experience whatever their ability level. We also welcome other club members to join with us for our weekday roll-up competitions, even if you don’t meet the minimum age criteria.


Full membership of the Seniors section is open to any Club member who has reached the age of 55. Club members who have not yet attained this grand old age are welcome to join as associate members on payment of the nominal annual membership fee (£3). A current WHS Handicap is required to fully participate in competitions, but players who have not yet obtained a Handicap are still welcome to take part and we will help you obtain your Handicap. All we ask is that you bring along a good sense of humour and are prepared to have a laugh. A willingness to get involved with the organisation is especially welcome.


How do I join? Simply turn up on one of our midweek roll up days at about 8.30 either to play or just to get a feeling for the club; introduce yourself to the Seniors Captain and should you wish to join, pay your subscription of £3. That’s all you have to do. Participation in the weekly roll-ups costs £1 and optionally 50p to enter the “2s”.


As well as the traditional notices on the Notice Board we also run a mailing list to keep members abreast of all events.



We look forward to seeing you at the club to enjoy our unique brand of social golf.



Contacts (2024/25) Captain Malcolm Weaver, Vice-Captain Peter Gale, Secretary Alan Ponting




At Brinkworth Golf Club, currently we have a small but growing Ladies Section. Our aim is to encourage friendly and enjoyable golf in a relaxing environment. Whether you are new to golf or have years’ of experience, we welcome you to join us.


Although we are not currently in the Wiltshire Ladies County Golf League, as player numbers increase, we hope to once again participate.


We do have friendlies with other local clubs; dates and venues will be on the website or communicated via the Captain.


Freddie Horridge (Lady Captain)





Brinkworth Golf Club are committed to growing their Junior section and have enlisted the help of PGA Pro, Lee Boxall.


See our PGA Tuition section for more details.


The Monkey Club - Golf Society

Monkey Club.jpg

The Monkey Club Golf Society was formed when a group of members went to La Manga, Spain to play some golf. We were in high spirits and the song 'Hey Hey We’re the Monkees' came on and that is how the golf society was formed.


We are a friendly group of golfers that do not take ourselves too seriously and over the course of a year, we try to play 6 rounds at different courses. The best 4 scores count from the six rounds with the winner being crowned the bronze Monkey Champion. The majority of our society are all members at Brinkworth Golf Club or we have been past members or associated with the club in some way.


Brinkworth Golf Club is seen as the home of the Monkey Club. If you would like to know more about the Monkey Club Golf Society, please approach one of our members. We can usually be found sporting some Monkey Club Society clothing showing a chimpanzee wearing a red tie and jumper.


Happy golfing to you all.



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The Monkey Cub
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