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August Competitions (Including Captain's Cup, Mike Bacon Classic & Johnny Miller Fun Day)

WOW - what a month August has been for competitions it has been full on!

August 3rd/4th - Monthly Stableford

  • Div A winner Dave Wallis,

  • Div B winner Pete Gale.

August 10th - Captains Cup

  • This was a well attended competition, one of four qualifiers for the Seasons Cup.

  • The eventual winner by 1 point was Paul Jackson on 39, just pipping the long time leader Sandi Christie on 38.

Paul Tanner (Club Captain) hands trophy to Paul Jackson

August 17th - Mike Bacon Challenge -

  • With 39 people entering this competition it was probably the best attended for some time.

  • Jayne Taylor won with 44 points

  • Neil Witchard a close second on 41.

  • Terry Newman and Larry Bowes on 39

Jayne & Mike

  • The team bowmaker was won by Larry Bowes, Adrian Reid and Adrian Raymond.

Adrian, Mike, Larry & Adrian
  • Strongest Player was Paul Morse

Paul & Mike

August 24th - Johnny Miller Fun Day

  • This was a major success this year - the best so far (apart from the appalling weather).

  • We far exceeded previous totals raised with the final figure being £850.

    • This money will be used to help fund the work of the Johnny Miller Volunteer Group (JMVG) both on the course and around the clubhouse - if anyone is interested in perhaps doing a bit of work with the group please contact Jayne Taylor.

  • The winning team was Ian Sandell, Lamar Stevens & Richard Bell. Well done!

  • Pauline Miller presented the prizes to the following winners:

    • Nearest Pin for Ladies was Amanda Barker

Amanda & Pauline

    • Longest Drive for Ladies - Sandi Christie

Sandi & Pauline

    • Nearest Pin for Men - Daryl Miller (Johnny & Pauline Miller’s son)

Daryl & Pauline

    • Longest Drive for Men - Nick Tanner (Nick also won the best costume for the day and I think you can see why!

Nick & Pauline (Do not adjust your screen - it is just the costume causing the hypnotic effect)

  • Following the prize giving and the raffle draw, one of our members - Mark Donachie - performed free of charge - he was absolutely brilliant and we thank him and his wife Pauline and also his son George (who also did a couple of numbers) for giving their time so generously to support the club.

Mark, Gear & Beer

Mark, Please Give Sandi The Mike!!

Mark's Groupies Go Everywhere

Mark & His Backup Singers


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