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Buthlay Cup 2021

On Sunday 15th August we played The Wiltshire away in the quarter finals of the Buthlay Cup. Winning away is always a challenge and lately we have been like a fine wine - doesn't travel well!

But we were confident going in despite losing 3 of our finest players in the week running up due to injury/commitments.

We were led off by Luke Williams and Pete Gale who played hard and fast but lost by 2 holes

Next up was Colin Driscoll and Alan Jenner our super subs at the last minute who promptly won by 2 all square.

3rd up was Dezy Barrowman and Kev Holmes. They fought hard to the last and halved their match. A vital half point to keep us all square.

Last up Adam Rutter and myself. We had to win. So that's just what we did and won by a massive 8 holes.

So an overall win 2.5 to 1.5 avoiding the need for a sudden death play off.

So well done Brinkworth and these brilliant team players for giving up their free time.

We are now through to the semi-finals...a first in our history. Our Semi-final will be against Bassett Down on Sunday 5th September, away to Bassett Down.


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